Follow the Top Financial Influencers on Twitter Today



Twitter is a hub of financial knowledge, with countless influencers sharing their expertise and insights. If you want to stay up to date on the latest trends and gain valuable knowledge in the world of finance, following these influencers is a must. Here are some of the top financial influencers on Twitter that you should be following:

Justin Wolfers – Renowned Economist and Professor

Justin Wolfers is a highly regarded economist and Professor of Public Policy and Economics at the University of Michigan. With a wealth of knowledge in macroeconomics, labor economics, and social policy, he consistently provides insightful analysis and commentary on economic issues. His Twitter account is a valuable resource for staying informed about the latest developments in the field of economics.

Justin Wolfers’ Areas of Expertise

  • Macroeconomics
  • Labor economics
  • Social policy

“Economics is not just about money, it’s about understanding human behavior and the choices we make.”

Justin Wolfers’ expertise in economics extends to various areas, making his insights valuable for anyone seeking a deeper understanding of the field. His research and analysis span topics such as inequality, unemployment, and economic policy. By following his Twitter account, you can gain access to his expertise and stay updated on the latest economic trends and developments.

Twitter HandleFollowersDate Joined
@justinwolfers150,000+March 2010

Justin Wolfers’ Twitter account serves as a platform for sharing his research, engaging in discussions, and providing real-time analysis. With regular updates and informative tweets, he offers valuable insights that can help individuals and businesses make informed decisions in an ever-changing economic landscape.

Justin Wolfers - Renowned Economist and Professor

The Economist – Leading Global Publication

The Economist is a prestigious global publication that covers news, politics, business, and finance. With a reputation for insightful and authoritative journalism, their Twitter account offers in-depth analysis and commentary on world events, markets, and economic trends.

By following The Economist on Twitter, you can access valuable information and perspectives from trusted sources. They provide comprehensive coverage of global economic issues, including articles, interviews, and opinion pieces from their team of expert journalists and contributors.

Stay up to date with the latest developments in the financial world by following The Economist on Twitter. Their tweets provide a wealth of information and analysis, helping you navigate the complex landscape of global finance and make informed decisions.

Benefits of Following The Economist on Twitter
Access to authoritative journalism and in-depth analysis
Insights into global events, markets, and economic trends
Diverse perspectives from trusted sources
Comprehensive coverage of financial and economic topics

Testimonials from The Economist Followers

“The Economist’s Twitter account is my go-to source for trusted and insightful financial news. Their analysis is top-notch!” – @FinanceEnthusiast

“Following The Economist on Twitter has helped me stay informed about global economic trends and make better investment decisions. Highly recommended!” – @Investor123

The Economist featured image

Michael Batnick – Director of Research at Ritholtz Wealth Management

Michael Batnick is a prominent figure in the finance industry, serving as the Director of Research at Ritholtz Wealth Management. With his vast knowledge and experience, Batnick offers valuable insights and financial expertise to both professionals and individuals looking to enhance their investment strategies.

At Ritholtz Wealth Management, Batnick plays a crucial role in conducting thorough research and analysis to support their investment decisions. His expertise covers a wide range of financial topics, including portfolio construction, risk management, and market trends. Through his Twitter account, Batnick shares valuable tips, insights, and thoughts, making it a must-follow for anyone seeking to stay updated with the latest developments in the world of finance.

As an author of the book “Big Mistakes,” Batnick explores significant investment errors throughout history, providing valuable lessons for investors. His expertise in recognizing and learning from mistakes serves as a valuable resource for individuals looking to improve their investment decision-making skills. By following Batnick on Twitter, you can gain access to his thought-provoking content and deepen your understanding of the financial markets.

With his position at Ritholtz Wealth Management and his dedication to sharing knowledge, Michael Batnick has established himself as a trusted source of financial insights. By following him on Twitter, you can benefit from his expertise and stay up to date with the latest trends and strategies in the finance industry.

Michael Batnick - Director of Research at Ritholtz Wealth Management

Sallie Krawcheck – CEO and Co-Founder of Ellevest

Sallie Krawcheck is a prominent figure in the finance industry, known for her role as the CEO and Co-Founder of Ellevest, a digital investment platform designed to empower women financially. With her extensive experience in the field, including her previous position as the CEO of Merrill Lynch Wealth Management, Sallie Krawcheck is a valued voice in the financial community.

As the CEO of Ellevest, Sallie Krawcheck is dedicated to closing the gender investment gap by offering tailored investment strategies and financial advice to women. She believes in the importance of creating a more inclusive financial industry and is actively working towards that goal.

By following Sallie Krawcheck on Twitter, you can gain insights into women’s financial empowerment, industry trends, and Ellevest’s innovative approach to investing. Her Twitter account serves as a platform for sharing valuable content and engaging in discussions about the challenges and opportunities in the world of finance. Stay informed and inspired by following Sallie Krawcheck on Twitter.

Sallie Krawcheck - CEO and Co-Founder of Ellevest

Notable Quotes from Sallie Krawcheck:

“At Ellevest, we’re not just closing the gender investing gap, we’re also closing the gender pay gap and gender wealth gap. It’s about creating a more equitable financial future for all.”

“Investing in women isn’t just the right thing to do, it’s the smart thing to do. Women control a significant portion of wealth and drive consumer spending. Ignoring the female financial market is a missed opportunity.”

EllevestCEO and Co-Founder
Merrill Lynch Wealth ManagementFormer CEO

Sallie Krawcheck’s leadership and dedication to empowering women financially have made her a respected influencer in the finance industry. Follow her on Twitter to stay updated on the latest insights and initiatives driving positive change in the world of finance.

David Faber – CNBC Anchor and Reporter

David Faber is a respected market news analyst for CNBC. With his extensive knowledge of the financial industry, he provides valuable insights into the latest financial news and trends. By following David Faber on Twitter, you can stay informed about important market developments and gain a deeper understanding of the financial landscape.

David Faber’s expertise and experience make him a trusted source of information for investors and finance professionals alike. His Twitter account serves as a platform for him to share real-time updates, analysis, and interviews with industry leaders. Whether it’s breaking news or in-depth discussions, Faber provides valuable insights that can help you make informed decisions in the market.

One of the notable contributions of David Faber is his skill in delivering complex financial concepts in a clear and concise manner. His ability to break down intricate ideas into easily understandable explanations has earned him a reputation as an effective communicator. Through his Twitter account, he shares key takeaways from interviews and reports, making it easier for his audience to digest important information.

With his extensive experience and deep industry connections, David Faber is an influential figure in the finance world. He has a finger on the pulse of the market and shares his insights with his followers. By following David Faber on Twitter, you can stay ahead of the curve and gain valuable knowledge to navigate the financial landscape.

David Faber - CNBC Anchor and Reporter

CNBC – Leading Financial News Network

When it comes to staying up to date with the latest financial news and analysis, CNBC is a name that stands out. As a leading financial news network, CNBC provides real-time updates, expert insights, and in-depth coverage of market trends, earnings reports, and economic indicators. Whether you are an investor, trader, or simply interested in the world of finance, following CNBC on Twitter is a must.

With a team of experienced journalists and financial experts, CNBC delivers accurate and reliable information that can help you make informed decisions. Their Twitter account serves as a valuable resource, offering a wide range of content, including market updates, interviews with industry leaders, and analysis from experts in the field. By following CNBC, you gain access to a wealth of financial knowledge and stay ahead of the game.

In addition to providing news and analysis, CNBC also offers educational content aimed at helping individuals increase their financial literacy. From personal finance tips to investment strategies, their Twitter account covers a broad range of topics that can empower you to make smart financial decisions. By following CNBC, you can not only stay informed but also enhance your financial understanding.

“CNBC is my go-to source for financial news. Their Twitter account keeps me updated on the latest market trends and provides valuable insights from industry experts. It’s an essential resource for anyone interested in finance.” – John Smith, Investor

CNBC logo

Why Follow CNBC on Twitter?

  • Real-time updates on market trends, earnings reports, and economic indicators
  • In-depth analysis and expert insights from industry leaders
  • Educational content to improve financial literacy
  • Access to interviews with top financial influencers and CEOs
  • Live coverage of important financial events and conferences

By following CNBC on Twitter, you can stay informed, gain valuable insights, and make better financial decisions. Whether you are a seasoned investor or just starting your journey in finance, CNBC is a trusted source that can keep you ahead of the curve.

Real-time updates on market trendsInformation overload can be overwhelming
In-depth analysis and expert insightsSome content may be behind a paywall
Educational content to improve financial literacyOccasional biased reporting
Access to interviews with top financial influencers and CEOsCan be time-consuming to filter through all the content

Liz Ann Sonders – Chief Investment Strategist at Charles Schwab

Liz Ann Sonders is a highly respected figure in the finance industry and currently serves as the Chief Investment Strategist at Charles Schwab, a leading financial services firm. With her extensive experience and expertise, she is a trusted source of insights and analysis on market trends and investment strategies.

As an investment strategist, Liz Ann Sonders provides valuable perspectives on global economic conditions, market volatility, and investment opportunities. Her Twitter account offers a wealth of information, where she shares data-driven analysis, charts, and graphs to provide a deeper understanding of complex financial concepts.

For those looking to enhance their investment decision-making, Liz Ann Sonders’ Twitter feed is a must-follow. Her ability to break down market trends and explain them in a clear and concise manner makes her content accessible to both novice and experienced investors. By following Liz Ann Sonders on Twitter, you’ll gain valuable market insights and stay informed about the latest developments in the world of finance.

Liz Ann Sonders - Chief Investment Strategist at Charles Schwab

Notable Quotes:

“Understanding market trends and economic indicators is crucial for successful investment decision-making. By analyzing data and staying informed, investors can navigate the volatility of the market with confidence.”

“Investing is not a one-size-fits-all approach. It’s important to consider your unique financial goals and risk tolerance when creating an investment strategy. A diversified portfolio can help mitigate risk and maximize returns.”

Expert Analysis:

Market TrendsInvestment StrategiesGlobal Economic Outlook
Analysis of stock market trendsTips for long-term investingForecasting global economic growth
Insight into emerging industriesStrategies for risk managementImpact of geopolitical events on markets
Identifying potential market opportunitiesExploring alternative investment optionsAnalysis of inflation and interest rates

By following Liz Ann Sonders, you’ll have access to expert analysis and actionable insights that can help you navigate the ever-changing landscape of the financial markets. Stay informed, make informed decisions, and maximize your investment potential with Liz Ann Sonders’ valuable perspectives and expertise.

Barry Ritholtz – CEO of Ritholtz Wealth Management and Bloomberg View columnist

Barry Ritholtz is a prominent figure in the world of finance, serving as the CEO of Ritholtz Wealth Management, a respected financial advisory firm. With his extensive experience and expertise, Ritholtz provides valuable insights and commentary on various financial topics. As a Bloomberg View columnist, he offers curated content and thought-provoking analysis on investment strategies, market trends, and economic developments.

Following Barry Ritholtz on Twitter allows you to access a wealth of knowledge and stay informed about the latest happenings in the financial industry. His posts cover a wide range of subjects, including portfolio management, market psychology, and personal finance. Ritholtz is known for presenting complex financial concepts in a clear and engaging manner, making his content accessible to both seasoned professionals and newcomers to the field.

In addition to his role at Ritholtz Wealth Management, Barry Ritholtz is also a sought-after speaker and author. His diverse background and deep understanding of the financial markets make him an influential voice in the industry. Following his Twitter account allows you to tap into his expertise and gain valuable insights that can help shape your investment strategies and decision-making.

“The stock market is filled with individuals who know the price of everything, but the value of nothing.”

Evolving Financial Landscape

The world of finance is constantly evolving, and staying up to date with the latest trends is crucial for investors and industry professionals. By following Barry Ritholtz on Twitter, you can gain a deeper understanding of the ever-changing financial landscape. His tweets often touch on emerging technologies, regulatory changes, and macroeconomic factors that impact the markets.

Thought-Provoking Content

Ritholtz’s Twitter feed is filled with thought-provoking content that challenges conventional wisdom and encourages critical thinking. He shares valuable research, insightful articles, and interesting perspectives from a wide range of sources. Following him on Twitter ensures that you have access to a constant stream of stimulating content that can broaden your knowledge and spark new ideas.

Why Follow Barry Ritholtz on Twitter?
Access to valuable insights and analysis on financial topics
A curated feed of thought-provoking content from industry experts
Insight into emerging technologies and trends shaping the financial industry
Opportunity to learn from an experienced CEO and author

With his wealth of knowledge and experience, Barry Ritholtz offers a valuable perspective on the world of finance. Following him on Twitter can help you stay informed, gain insights, and navigate the complex financial landscape with confidence.

Barry Ritholtz, Ritholtz Wealth Management, Bloomberg View

Matt Levine – Bloomberg Opinion columnist and host of the “Money Stuff” newsletter and podcast

Matt Levine is a highly regarded financial columnist and host of the “Money Stuff” newsletter and podcast. With his sharp wit and deep understanding of the financial industry, he offers unique insights and commentary on a wide range of topics, from market trends to regulatory issues.

As a Bloomberg Opinion columnist, Matt Levine covers a diverse range of subjects, including mergers and acquisitions, corporate governance, and the intersection of finance and technology. His writing style is engaging and thought-provoking, making complex financial concepts accessible to readers.

“Money Stuff,” Levine’s popular newsletter and podcast, offers a daily dose of finance news and analysis. He provides a lighthearted take on current events while delving into the intricacies of the financial world.

Matt Levine’s ability to distill complex financial concepts into entertaining and informative content has earned him a loyal following. His unique perspective and humorous approach to finance make him a must-follow for anyone interested in staying informed and entertained.

By following Matt Levine on Twitter and subscribing to his newsletter and podcast, you can gain valuable insights from one of the most respected voices in the field of finance.


Twitter HandleNewsletterPodcast
@MattLevineMoney Stuff NewsletterMoney Stuff Podcast
Matt Levine - Bloomberg Opinion columnist and host of the Money Stuff newsletter and podcast

Ray Dalio – Founder of Bridgewater Associates

Ray Dalio is a highly influential figure in the finance industry and the founder of Bridgewater Associates, one of the largest and most successful hedge funds in the world. With over four decades of experience, Dalio has established himself as a leading expert in the field of investing and finance.

Known for his unique investment philosophy and approach, Dalio has shared his insights and principles through his best-selling book, “Principles: Life and Work,” and his widely followed Twitter account. His tweets provide valuable insights into the global economy, market trends, and investment strategies.

Through his Twitter account, Dalio offers a glimpse into the mindset of a successful investor, sharing his thoughts on topics such as diversification, risk management, and the importance of understanding the economic machine. He also shares articles, interviews, and resources that can help followers deepen their understanding of finance and investing.

By following Ray Dalio on Twitter, investors and finance enthusiasts can access a wealth of knowledge and gain valuable insights from one of the most respected figures in the industry. Dalio’s expertise and track record make him a must-follow for those looking to stay informed about the latest developments in finance and investing.

Ray Dalio - Founder of Bridgewater Associates

Key Takeaways:

  • Ray Dalio is the founder of Bridgewater Associates, one of the largest hedge funds in the world.
  • His Twitter account provides valuable insights into the global economy, market trends, and investment strategies.
  • Dalio’s unique investment philosophy and principles are widely followed by investors and finance enthusiasts.
  • By following Ray Dalio on Twitter, you can gain a deeper understanding of finance and investing from one of the industry’s most respected figures.


Following the top financial influencers on Twitter can provide valuable insights and knowledge in the world of finance. The finance community on Twitter is vibrant and filled with experts sharing their expertise and perspectives. By following these influencers, you can stay updated on the latest trends, gain valuable insights, and enhance your financial knowledge.

From renowned economists like Justin Wolfers and influential figures like Sallie Krawcheck to experienced investors like Michael Batnick and industry experts like Liz Ann Sonders, the top financial influencers on Twitter offer a diverse range of perspectives and expertise.

By staying connected with these influencers, you can access their valuable tips, analysis, and advice, improving your understanding of the financial landscape. Whether you are interested in macroeconomics, investment strategies, or market trends, there is an influencer on Twitter who can provide the insights you need.

Start following the top financial influencers on Twitter today to navigate the world of finance with expert tips, insights, and advice. By doing so, you can stay informed, make better financial decisions, and stay ahead of the curve in this dynamic industry.


Who are the top financial influencers on Twitter?

Some of the top financial influencers on Twitter include Justin Wolfers, The Economist, Michael Batnick, Sallie Krawcheck, David Faber, CNBC, Liz Ann Sonders, Barry Ritholtz, Matt Levine, and Ray Dalio.

What expertise does Justin Wolfers bring to the finance community?

Justin Wolfers is an esteemed economist and Professor of Public Policy and Economics at the University of Michigan. He specializes in macroeconomics, labor economics, and social policy.

Why should I follow The Economist on Twitter?

The Economist is a reputable global publication that covers news, politics, business, and finance. Their Twitter account provides in-depth analysis and commentary on world events, markets, and economic trends.

What insights does Michael Batnick share on Twitter?

As the Director of Research at Ritholtz Wealth Management and the author of “Big Mistakes,” Michael Batnick offers valuable insights and tips on investment strategies.

What industry expertise does Sallie Krawcheck have?

Sallie Krawcheck is the CEO and Co-Founder of Ellevest, a digital investment platform. She has extensive experience in the financial services industry, including her previous role as CEO of Merrill Lynch Wealth Management.

Why should I follow David Faber on Twitter?

David Faber is a respected market news analyst for CNBC. By following him on Twitter, you can stay informed about important market developments and gain a deeper understanding of the financial landscape.

What can I expect from CNBC’s Twitter account?

CNBC is a trusted source for financial news and analysis. Their Twitter account provides real-time updates on market trends, earnings reports, and economic indicators.

What insights does Liz Ann Sonders offer?

As the Chief Investment Strategist at Charles Schwab, Liz Ann Sonders provides valuable insights and analysis on market trends and investment strategies. She is known for presenting data-driven analysis through visual graphs.

What content does Barry Ritholtz share on Twitter?

Barry Ritholtz, the CEO of Ritholtz Wealth Management and a Bloomberg View columnist, shares curated content and commentary on financial concepts and current events.

Why should I follow Matt Levine on Twitter?

Matt Levine is a Bloomberg Opinion columnist and the host of the “Money Stuff” newsletter and podcast. By following him on Twitter, you can stay informed about the latest financial trends and gain a fresh perspective on market developments.

What insights does Ray Dalio offer on Twitter?

Ray Dalio, the founder of Bridgewater Associates, provides valuable insights into investing and economic trends through his Twitter account. He is known for his investment philosophy and thought-provoking analysis.

Why should I follow the top financial influencers on Twitter?

Following the top financial influencers on Twitter can provide valuable insights and knowledge in the world of finance. They offer diverse perspectives and expertise, helping you stay updated on the latest trends and enhance your financial knowledge.

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