Best Financial Influencers on YouTube to Follow in 2024



As we enter 2024, there has never been a more crucial time to keep tabs on the top financial influencers on YouTube. Each of them brings their expertise, offering unique perspectives on managing personal finances, building wealth, and creating passive income streams. This article highlights some of the best financial influencers on YouTube, including influential finance YouTubers who have made significant contributions to the digital finance space by sharing their knowledge and experience. Their finance YouTube channels provide a wealth of information for anyone looking to sharpen their financial know-how and benefit from the experience and insights of financial experts.

Key Takeaways

  • Top financial influencers on YouTube include Graham Stephan, Andrei Jikh, Nate O’Brien, Marko Zlatic, Ryan Scribner, and Jeremy from Financial Education.
  • These YouTubers offer expertise across various financial niches, including real estate investing, personal finance, cryptocurrency, stock market insights, budgeting, and financial freedom.
  • High levels of community engagement and interaction set these top financial influencers apart from other creators.
  • Consistency and quality of content, as well as professional video production, contribute to the success of these finance influencers on YouTube.
  • Financial YouTubers provide a broad range of actionable advice on budgeting, saving, investing, and wealth management, helping viewers achieve their financial goals.

The Rise of Financial Influencers on YouTube

With the rapid expansion of social media and digital platforms, the presence of financial influencers on social media has grown significantly. Platforms like YouTube have emerged as significant sources of personal finance information, challenging traditional learning methods and broadening access to financial education. The changing landscape in personal finance learning has seen YouTube influencers play a pivotal role in reaching millions of subscribers globally.

These popular financial influencers on YouTube are often characterized by their unique branding and ability to demystify complex financial topics, making them more accessible and engaging for the general public. The following table outlines the top financial influencers on YouTube, their content focus, and subscriber count:

InfluencerContent FocusSubscriber Count
Graham StephanReal Estate Investing, Personal Finance, Passive Income4.29M+
Andrei JikhPersonal Finance, Investing, Financial Minimalism2.22M+
Nate O’BrienBudgeting, Minimalism, Investing1.3M+
Marko Zlatic (WhiteBoard Finance)Personal Finance, Entrepreneurship948K+
Ryan ScribnerInvestment Strategies, Passive Income876K+
Jeremy (Financial Education)Stock Market Investment567K+

The rise of financial influencers on YouTube has not only increased the availability of financial advice but has also fostered a sense of community among those interested in learning about personal finance. As these influencers continue to create engaging and informative content, they will remain an essential source of financial knowledge for millions of subscribers around the world.

Top Financial Influencers on YouTube: What Sets Them Apart

Best Financial Influencers on YouTube

With the rise in financial influencers on YouTube and the emergence of numerous finance YouTube channels, it becomes crucial to understand what sets the top performers apart. The best financial influencers on YouTube possess a blend of expertise in specialized financial niches, strong engagement with their community, and consistent delivery of high-quality content, which enables them to attract and maintain large followings.

Expertise in Various Financial Niches

Successful financial influencers have carved out significant niches within the financial education space. With a variety of expertise and specialization, they offer significant value to their audiences. The following are some examples:

  • Graham Stephan touches on a variety of topics, including real estate and credit optimization.
  • Andrei Jikh dedicates content to fundamental personal finance principles and cryptocurrency insights.
  • Marko Zlatic from WhiteBoard Finance provides comprehensive discussions on the stock market.
  • Jeremy from Financial Education focuses on stock market insights and open APIs.

These influencers have built their platforms with substantive knowledge in specific financial sectors, which allows them to provide actionable advice and expert analysis.

Engagement with the Community

Community engagement is paramount among top financial influencers on YouTube. They foster interaction by responding to comments, integrating subscriber questions into their content, and creating a sense of community among viewers. This engagement has allowed influencers, such as Graham Stephan and Andrei Jikh, to build a consistent following. For instance, Jikh’s commitment to honest and transparent content has earned him credibility and trust within his community, setting him apart in the financial YouTube sphere.

Consistency and Quality of Content

The consistency and quality of content are critical factors that set top financial influencers apart. They provide well-researched, regularly updated content that keeps viewers returning for more. Their commitment to the craft is apparent through their comprehensive explanations, reliable posting schedules, and professional-grade video production.

These attributes have helped influencers like Nate O’Brien create relatable and informative content that resonates with viewers, building a substantial following in the process. By consistently delivering valuable content, these top YouTube financial influencers continue to solidify their position as some of the best financial influencers on YouTube.

How Financial Influencers are Shaping Personal Finance Education

Financial influencers on YouTube are redefining how personal finance education is consumed by providing information in a more digestible and engaging format. They leverage storytelling, real-life examples, and visual aids, making complex financial concepts clearer. Their broad reach and influence have opened new avenues for individuals across demographics to learn about managing their finances better and investing for their futures.

Let’s examine some of the ways in which finance influencers on YouTube are transforming personal finance education:

  1. Breaking down complex concepts: Finance influencers simplify complex financial concepts into easy-to-understand language, enabling viewers to grasp information quickly and effectively.
  2. Visual aids: Using visual aids like infographics, diagrams, and animations makes it easier for viewers to comprehend the information being presented. This visual-heavy approach stimulates interest and helps in retaining information.
  3. Storytelling: Finance influencers often use compelling stories to explain financial concepts, appealing to the emotions of their audience and making it easier to remember key points. By incorporating personal experiences and real-life examples, influencers add a human touch to financial education.
  4. Accessibility: YouTube’s platform makes personal finance education accessible to a wider audience, including those who may not have access to traditional finance-related learning resources. Influencers on YouTube can bridge the gap and provide accessible content to anyone with an internet connection.

Given the impact of these influencers in shaping personal finance education, it is crucial to highlight the major content categories:

Content CategoryExample Topics
Budgeting and SavingDebt management, minimalist living, frugal lifestyle tips
InvestingStock market basics, crypto investing, real estate investing
Passive IncomeDividend investing, rental properties, affiliate marketing
Retirement Planning401(k) strategies, IRA options, financial independence

In conclusion, finance influencers on YouTube have proven to be a valuable source of personal finance education, breaking down barriers and making financial concepts more accessible and engaging for viewers. By continuing to innovate and adapt to the changing landscape of financial education, these influencers are poised to have an even greater impact on future generations.

From Budgeting to Investing: A Broad Spectrum of Financial Advice

Top financial influencers on YouTube offer a comprehensive understanding of personal finance, covering an array of topics from budgeting, savings, investments, and passive income. By sharing their knowledge and experiences in these areas, they empower their audiences to make informed decisions and navigate their financial journeys successfully.

Top Financial Influencers on YouTube

Budgeting and Saving Strategies

Developing sound budgeting and saving strategies is vital in achieving financial success. Financial influencers such as Nate O’Brien emphasize the importance of minimalist living and adopting cost-effective habits for long-term savings. Nick True, creator of MappedOutMoney, teaches practical budgeting tools and techniques, sharing key insights on using the budgeting tool YNAB while stressing the significance of effective expenditure management.

“The quickest way to double your money is to fold it over and put it back in your pocket.” – Will Rogers

Investing and Wealth Management Tips

Investing and wealth management advice constitute central themes in the content of influential finance YouTubers. Creators like Andrei Jikh and Jeremy from Financial Education demystify the complex world of stocks and cryptocurrencies for their viewers, presenting actionable steps to start investing and manage their portfolios wisely. By doing so, they underline the long-term benefits of adopting sound investment strategies.

  1. Start by setting clear investment goals
  2. Diversify your investment portfolio
  3. Invest in low-cost index funds and ETFs
  4. Focus on long-term growth and avoid emotional decisions
  5. Rebalance your portfolio periodically
  6. Save and invest consistently

Passive Income and Financial Freedom

Passive income generation and achieving financial freedom are topics extensively discussed by top financial influencers on YouTube. Influencers like Graham Stephan and Ryan Scribner underscore the value of creating diverse passive income streams and leveraging them towards financial independence. They showcase a variety of methods and examples on how to optimize income without increasing work hours, inspiring viewers to pursue their financial goals with confidence.


In recent years, financial influencers on YouTube have gained significant recognition as valuable sources of financial education. Covering a wide range of topics, these influencers offer expertise and advice that cater to various financial goals and levels of expertise. From fundamental budgeting and savings skills to advanced investing strategies, these personal finance influencers are playing a crucial role in empowering individuals to take control of their financial destinies.

The success of these influencers can be attributed to their unique branding, in-depth knowledge in specific financial niches, and dedication to engaging with their communities. They deliver consistently high-quality content, which keeps their viewers returning for more. As a result, these finance YouTubers have built substantial followings and are considered authorities in their fields.

As we look forward to 2024, it is evident that the top financial influencers on YouTube will continue to shape personal finance education. By providing accessible, engaging, and informative content, they are inspiring a new generation of financially literate individuals. Their influence emphasizes the significance of financial education and underscores the importance of staying informed and educated in today’s ever-changing financial landscape.


Who are the best financial influencers on YouTube to follow in 2024?

Some of the top financial influencers on YouTube in 2024 include Graham Stephan, Andrei Jikh, Nate O’Brien, Marko Zlatic of WhiteBoard Finance, Ryan Scribner, and Jeremy from Financial Education. These influencers offer a diverse array of content and expertise in various financial niches, making them invaluable sources of finance education and advice.

Why have financial influencers on YouTube become so popular?

Financial influencers on YouTube gained popularity with the rise of social media and digital platforms. They have been able to demystify complex financial topics and make them more accessible and engaging for the general public. Their unique branding, engagement with their community, and consistent high-quality content make them valuable resources for personal finance education.

How do top financial influencers on YouTube engage their community?

Engagement with the community is integral to YouTube financial influencers’ success. They foster interaction by responding to comments, integrating subscriber questions into their content, and creating a sense of community among viewers. This engagement allows influencers to build a consistant following and develop credibility and trust within their audience.

What types of financial topics do these YouTube influencers cover?

Financial influencers on YouTube cover a broad spectrum of financial advice, including budgeting and saving strategies, investing and wealth management tips, and passive income and financial freedom. They often emphasize lifestyle changes, minimalist living, practical budgeting tools, and sound investment strategies to help viewers improve their financial literacy and achieve their financial goals.

How are financial influencers on YouTube shaping personal finance education?

Financial influencers are redefining how personal finance education is consumed by providing information in a more digestible and engaging format. They leverage storytelling, real-life examples, and visual aids to make complex financial concepts clearer. Their broad reach and influence have opened new avenues for individuals across demographics to learn about managing their finances better and investing for their futures.

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